Friday 11 March 2011

Forest Pictures With Animals

Nature is all around us, and its beauties are unlimited. In this fast-paced world of mocha-lattes and traffic jams at rush hour, too many of us take the beauty of nature for granted. Luckily, there are still people in the world who see this beauty and choose to share it with those of us that are too busy to normally take notice. Poets and photographers are great at this. They take what seems like the ordinary and present it to us in a way that shows us the elegance, the magnificence and the amazing that is on this rock we call Earth.

The Basic Role of the National Wildlife Federation
By Erin Hunt

The National Wildlife Federation has been in existence for more than 70 years in the United States. The mission of this organization is to inspire all Americans to care about and protect wildlife so that generations to come may still enjoy them too. The National Wildlife bridges all levels of government with concerned citizens to provide protection for our wildlife.

The history of the National Wildlife Federation began in the time of President Franklin Roosevelt. He appointed Jay Norwood Darling as chief of the U.S. Biological Survey. Darling was previously a political cartoonist. Once he came on board, he urged President Roosevelt to put together a special conference in Washington D.C that would bring together organizations, individuals and all agencies that had expressed concern or interest in protecting the wildlife of the Unite States. This special conference set in motion the events that led to the formation of the National Wildlife Federation.

Darling left his post as the head of the U.S. Biological Survey just prior to the convening of this special conference, which took place in February 1936 and was called the North American Wildlife Conference. During this conference, a new organization was founded, known then as the General Wildlife Federation and Darling was elected its president. The first meeting of this organization took place in St. Louis on 3 March 1937. Soon after, the organization was officially renamed the National Wildlife Federation. Today this organization played a very important role in the conservation of America's priceless wildlife.

The role of the National Wildlife Federation in preserving the nation's wildlife habitats and species has been diverse. It was instrumental in helping the return of the wolf population to Yellowstone National Park. It has also been credited with the restoration of endangered habitats and species, including that of the Florida panther population, grizzly bear population and that of the whooping cranes.

The National Wildlife devotes much time and resources to the education of young children about the importance of protecting America's wildlife. It sponsors a unique program called the Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program that helps homeowners connect with nature in their own backyard. Ranger Rick, a popular conservation magazine for kids was published by the National Wildlife Federation. Many interactive programs foe families and children were set up to connect them with their local wildlife.

The strength of the National Wildlife Federation stems from its vast membership of over 4 million members, making it one of the most powerful and effective of all the major environmentally minded action groups. Thousands of volunteers across the United States are dedicated to the organization's goal of preserving our nation's wildlife.

Global warming is a threat that will affect generations to come. The atmosphere surrounding us that supports life is a God-given gift. It must be protected. We should be leaders in efforts to curb global warming, not resistant followers.

Erin Hunt is an avid writer and activist. She discovered that many are still unaware of the dangers of global warming and thus created a website to educate others on how they can play a role in the fight against global warming. Find out more about the cause and effects of global warming and how you can make a difference at

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 Todays Random   Pick Animals Pictures Bright leaves forest and cute deers  fawns

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