
Characteristics Of Reptiles And Amphibians
By Joseph Pressley

We are blessed because we live in a world that is full of many natural wonders, a world that is filled with different kinds of natural resources that we can all take advantage in. We are lucky enough that we are given the opportunity to spend the days of our life enjoying the many gifts the Beholder has bestowed upon us.

Animals are one of the major gifts that we can see in this world. There are plenty of animals that we all can learn to take care of. To preserve and to care for them is one of the responsibilities that every individual should do. Some of the animals are already extinct that is why we should at least help those organizations who support and care for animals who are growing out of number. Among those animals are the reptiles and amphibians. You will better understand these two animal classifications when you have a brief knowledge on their life cycle and how they have survived in this world the same as how you will have a better understanding about the self defense guns if you will study their distinctions.

Reptiles are vertebrate or backboned animals. They are characterized by a combination of features, none of which could separate reptiles from all other animals. Among their characteristics are their cold bloodedness, the presence of lungs, direct development as compared to amphibians which undergoes larval forms, internal fertilization, dry skin with scales but not necessarily feathers or hair and the composition of their heart and nerves are not the same as with amphibians. Examples of reptiles are crocodiles, lizards, iguanas, turtles and snake.

Amphibians on the other hand are characterized by a glandular skin without external scales, by gills during development and by eggs that may have jelly coats but develop without formation of extraembryonic membranes such as amnion. Most amphibians also have four limbs. Examples of amphibians are frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and caecilians which we all can see in pet shops or out in the wild. Fish and other sea creatures belong to this class as well.

Now here is the scenario. These two classifications are growing out of number. Some have been under the care of organizations who are concerned of their welfare and organizations which deals on the preservation of wildlife. Reptiles may appear dangerous but you just have to learn to respect them and train them. Some amphibians also become dangerous when you do not care for them well. Basically, animals will not hurt you if you do not hurt them as well similar to if you will not hurt people, they will not also hurt you back and stun you with a shock gun.

We can preserve them through doing little acts such as providing shelter. If you wish to keep a reptile, you better give him an environment similar to what it has used to. Give food that will help him grow and nourished. The needs of animals are just similar to the needs of humans. When you know the different characteristics of animals and where they come from, you will also know how to care for them and what are the basic needs that will help them survive. You see, they all play a big role in this world that we are living in and without them, life is different.

Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and the co-founder of which provides non-lethal self defense products such as stun guns, TASERs and pepper sprays. Discover how stun guns and TASERs can save your life. Receive a free report on "Top 10 Self Defense Secrets Everyone Needs To Know". Limited amount available. Visit us and get your own copy now

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Leopard Gecko Information - History and Longevity
By Joel K. Bishop
There are quite a lot of people who are into the hobby of raising exotic pets. And, one of these exotic pets is the leopard gecko. Of course, some may want to take care of tarantulas, snakes, and other gecko varieties. But, they may seem to be dangerous especially when there are children around the area. With leopard gecko keeping, this will not be a problem as this creature is known to be harmless for humans. Another advantage of this reptile is that it only needs a little in terms of maintenance. If you are interested in taking care of this kind of gecko, then take note some of these leopard gecko information as you might find them very useful.

They belong to the reptile family and are originally found in deserts of Southern Central Asia. The scientific name of this gecko is eublepharis macularius. The distinct feature of this kind of gecko is having eyelids which are not found in other gecko varieties. That is the ground why its scientific name is composed of the word eu which means "true" and blephar which means "eyelid". The word macularius came from macula which means "spots" or "blemish". Combine all the descriptions and you will already have a picture of what it may look like. Yes, that is the reason why it was tagged "leopard"; because it looks like a leopard with spots on the body.

They have the ability to detach their tail. You should know this very important leopard gecko information when taking care of these geckos. Often, this happens when they think that their life is in danger. When they see a predator coming, they may detach their tail on purpose in order to escape while the detached tail distracts the predator. That is why you should not try to scare or make your geckos feel threatened as they might try to detach their tail on purpose. If this does happen, do not worry though, as they also have the ability to regenerate their lost tail. The only problem is that the new grown tail will not have the same appearance and beauty as with the original tail.

They also have longer life span even in captivity as compared with other gecko varieties. This is one of the grounds why many people love to keep this creature as a pet. They may live as much as 20 years in captivity and even longer when cared properly. This is what made this creature a long-term companion.

Joel K. Bishop is an animal lover and a proud owner of many healthy leopard gecko varieties. He shares all his knowledge and experience about these reptiles to other people through specific information about Leopard Geckos. He also authored the book "Leopard Gecko Care: How To Raise A Healthy and Disease Free Leopard Gecko The Easy Way" where he compiled all those experience and knowledge for the benefit of other people. To learn more about these kinds of geckos, please feel free to visit his website at

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