
Insect Classification Chart
By Richard Dorads

There are over 900,000 species of insects in this world. It is clearly a difficult task to identify an insect and place it in an insect identification chart which may be helpful for you to find out if the insect is harmful. The various species of insects can be divided into various types that will make it easier for you to identify a type of insect. It is important that you identify the kind of insects as you can take appropriate actions to mitigate the threats that the insect poses so that there is no damage to your household items or so that you do not contract any disease from these insects. There are various kinds of classifications available that will help you to be precise in your identification every time. Such level of accuracy requires professional training and this takes time. The focus here is on the basic level of insect identification capabilities.

There are essentially three different types of insects based on the criteria of wings in the insect classification chart. These are winged insects, wingless insects and modified winged insects. The more basic type of classification in winged insects group include types like one pair winged insect, two prominent winged insect and transparent or translucent winged insects. These are the more general classifications as these contain the maximum number of insect species in each type. The rest are more specific cases which would require further study. The one pair winged insect classification contains insects like flies, mosquitoes, crane flies etc. The distinguishing feature in this type is a membranous pair of wings. Its mouth is in some of the cases adopted for piercing. An example of this feature is the mosquito. The two prominent pair winged insect includes butterflies and moths. These are fairly well identified. The ones with transparent or translucent wings include insects like wasps and bees and ants that are winged. In this type, the unique feature is that the antennae are usually smaller than the body.

The wingless types of insects are the most in number and each type in this category, which belongs to the insect classification chart, also has lots of species that are included. There are a lot of categories that exist in this broad category of wingless insects. One such pair of categories is the parasitic and the non parasitic type of insects. The parasitic insects are usually found in mammals where they live of the blood they suck from the bodies. The more common ones are lice. Another insect that feeds on blood from warm blooded animals is the flea. This is also categorized into wingless insects. There are also other insects like cockroaches, walking stick, mantis, cricket and grasshoppers.

There are modified winged insects like beetles which are its most common form. There are also various other insects like walking stick, cockroaches, grasshoppers, crickets etc that can be put into this category. Beetles are the only unique species of insect that are present in this category. All the categories of internet classification chart have the same types of insects. The above example of cockroaches, walking stick and cricket and grasshoppers proves this and this show there is no clear cut technique to identify an insect. The effort you have to put as an insect identifier is high and you will have to study this extensively. The insect pictures will give you a further idea of how to identify insects.

Visit our website if you are interested in more articles about insect pest, insect pest control products, garden insect pest, insect pest control and more information.

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Insects That Are Drawn to a Tropical Tree
By Patrick Desnoyers
What does one imagines when the two words tropical tree are in conjunction with each other? A tropical tree is a beautiful remembrance of paradise. Tropical trees litter the shorelines of beaches near and far. The tropical tree is a symbol of Southern California, the Bahamas, the Caribbean and other tropical islands. One can not gaze at a brochure promising paradise without coming across one or two tropical trees.

A tropical tree adds a hint of exotic charm to its external environment. Many tropical trees are the center of attention and will therefore compete with other plants. This is especially true in reference to palm trees. AS tropical tree is not only found on a tropical island or in a tropical area but also in a rainforest. A rainforest is known as a tropical rainforest. The tropical rainforest is home to hundreds of species of tropical trees and plants. Unfortunately, there are a number of insects that can harm a tropical tree.

One insect that has many different types of species, including exotic species is the beetle. The beetle can cause damage to a number of different trees. In the colder climates a beetle can cause damage to the bark of a deciduous tree and can eventually cause the tree to fall apart and die. A beetle can also cause damage to an evergreen tree which if the damage is left untreated the tree will die. It is no surprise that there are beetles that can cause damage, lethal damage, to tropical tree.

A beetle is notorious for harming a tropical tree by laying larvae in the bark of the tree. After the beetle has laid the larvae the hungry larvae will then feed on the tree. The feedings cause the tropical tree to become very weak. Some tropical trees will eventually come back during a practically long rainy season but most tropical trees that have been affected by beetles will die. There are preventive measures that one can take in order to stop this from occurring.

Another type of insect that can cause damage to a tropical tree is a leaf-eating insect. If a tropical tree is faced with a swarm of these insects the insects will eat a large amount of the tree's leaves. A leaf-eating insect tends to draw different species of insects to a tropical area. There have been numerous studies performed to support this fact. As the leaf-eating insect consumes a portion of the tree's leaves the tree is not able to provide adequate shade to other plants and flowers in the tropical area. A leaf-eating insect can affect many plants and trees in a negative way.

These are two of the most dangerous insects that can harm a tropical tree. A tropical tree is a beautiful and charming tree that adds a sense of paradise to any location. A tropical tree can be kept either outdoors or indoors depending on the climate. Anyone who owns a tropical tree should take measures to stop these two insects from causing damage.

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